Friday, March 13, 2015

Create Your Own Egg Carton Greenhouse

Growing food is an awesome activity to do with your kids. I don't have a particularly green thumb, but my hubby and I are on a journey to live a sustainable lifestyle, so I figured I had better teach myself how to grow food. 

Currently, we rent, so I am limited to what I can grow on the windowsill, in containers or in the small garden bed my husband built for me in the front yard. This is my third year growing vegetables and I still have lots to learn. 
I like to start my seeds indoors, as the weather here in Medicine Hat is unpredictable. I thought I'd share with you what the kids and I have been doing lately. You can buy ready-made greenhouses to start your seeds indoors, or you can recycle things around the house to make your own. 

What you will need:

Cardboard egg carton
Potting Soil 
Trowel or small shovel
Plastic cup (optional)
Clear plastic bag (we used one that our bread came in)

1. Begin by cutting the top off the egg carton. You will only be using the part where the eggs sit. 

2. Let your helper fill the egg cups half full with soil. (This is where the plastic cup comes in. I like to give my helper a cup of soil for them to use - it tends to cut down on the spillage)

3. Place two or three seeds in each egg cup. (You want a few seeds in each in case some don't germinate. If they all germinate, you can thin them later)

4. Cover your seeds with a thin layer of soil and water them all until the water seeps into the egg carton. 

5. Place the egg carton in a plastic bag. The bag will act as the greenhouse. Place your greenhouse in a sunny spot. In a few days your plants will begin to sprout! 

The amount of time they will need to stay inside will depend on what kind of seeds you are using and what area you live in. Check the seed packet for times. When your seedlings are ready to go outside, you will be able to separate the egg cups and plant the entire biodegradable egg carton, so the roots will not be damaged. 

Growing food is one of our favourite family activities in the summer! I think it is so important for kids to learn about where food comes from and how it grows. I can't keep them from snacking on parsley and sugar snap peas in the garden, but I honestly don't mind. :)

Try this out for yourself and let me know how it goes! Happy planting!

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